There is no top secret mantra to weight loss.

Diet along with Exercise remains the backbone of any weight loss regimen.

However only 1- 5 % of people are able to lose and then maintain healthy weight over a period of time once they cross BMI 35 while rest of them regain back lost weight over 1- 3 years.

Hence Dietary approach should be always be backed up with 4 pillars of support.

Diet Plans

Here we may try to help you with some of the basic diet plans to help you lose weight & maintain it for a long time.

Also we strongly advocate to take help of our qualified registered Dietitan to accelerate your healthy & safe weight loss journey.




Lemon water / Coconut water

Tea / Coffee ( Less Sugar )

Oats / Poha / Upma


Boiled salads

1 Roti / Small sabzi (Shaak)



Fresh Fruits

1 katori Sprouts


Skimmed Milk

Boiled Vegetable Soup – Broccoli/ Cabbage / Dal / Mixed Vegetable / Palak / Clear Tomato 

1 katori Khichdi

Non Vegetarian


Boiled egg white

Tea / Coffee

Lemon water


Boiled Chicken

1 sabji / 1 roti

Buttermilk / raita


Fresh fruits



Egg curry

Clear Chicken soup

Skimmed milk

Popular Diets

Recently lot of diets are endorsed by celebrities & fitness experts in social media & print media.

We discuss some basic principles of such trending diet & its core aspects. We strongly advocate our dietian advise as this popular diet are purely indicative.

High Fat , Moderate Proteins combined with very low carbs

Also popularly known as low carbs and high fat (LCHF) diet. Induces a state of ketosis in body.

Can be concern for Heart Health and Diabetic Patients.

Low Carbohydrate diet.

Eliminates all starch & foodgrains based items to reduce glucose load in body.

Multiple Phases of carbs reduction

Accordion Content

Specific ratio of Carbs, Proteins & fat in diet.

Very balanced diet plan on nutrition basis.

Different patterns followed. Popular is 16/8 diet in which fasting for around 16 hours & Food intake during 6-8 hour time.

Involves skipping some meals.

Can help faster weight loss but may not work in some people

Keep your self  adequately hydrated in fasting times with lots of water or zero calorie drinks

Involves natural fresh fruits & vegetables, Nuts, Seeds – ancient human diet

Avoid Processed foods, Refined products, sugars, diary, Salts, Oils

Helps in shedding that extra weight

This diet involves vegetables, Pulses, Herbal plants, Spices, Olive oil, & plant based food & wine.

Eggs allowed in moderation

Reduction of red meat, Sugars, Refined Oils & Proceesed Foodgrains 

Mainly plant based diet  with Lot of vegetables.

Typically Less restrictive than other diets.

75 % of dish should be covered with vegetables & fruits.





Weight Loss Tips

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