How fast is Weight Loss after Bariatric surgery ?
- Bariatric Surgery is a very powerful tool for Weight loss & better control of Diabetes and Improved Quality of Life
- One can lose up to 75% of your excess body weight ( EBW ) within 1 year
- Average 3 months weight loss: One-third of excess weight
- Average 1 year weight loss: 2/3 to 3/4 of excess weight
- Typically patients usually lose a lot of weight very quickly, and they tend to keep the weight off over the long term
- Many patients reach “peak” or highest weight loss between one to two years
Can I regain my weight back ?
- Weight loss results after bariatric surgery are excellent with most patients keeping over 70% of their excess weight off at 10 years post operatively
- Patients who eat the right foods, exercise regularly, motivated and follow their surgeon’s advice can lose even more weight, while patients who back off can lose less or regain